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Welcome to our FAQ/Support page! We've collected answers to frequently asked questions here to help you get the most out of our platform. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us, our support team is here to help.

  • Go to the registration page, fill out the form with your personal and professional information and submit all the required document.
  • Once your registration has been submitted, our team will carry out a verification and notify you of the approval of your account. You may be contacted to obtain supplementary information if needed.
  • Use our search bar at the top of the page to search for specific keywords or browse our service categories.
  • You can also use our advanced filters to narrow your search based on location, ratings, rates, and more.
  • On each professional’s page, you will find a contact button that will allow you to send them a message directly.
  • You can ask questions, inquire about service, or discuss details before making a decision.
  • Our refund policy varies depending on circumstances and services. Please see our terms and conditions for detailed information on refunds.
  • To modify or cancel a reservation, please contact the professional concerned directly.
  • Please note that each professional may have their own cancellation policies, so please refer to their specific conditions.
  • Once you have received the service, you can leave an evaluation by accessing the professional’s page and clicking on the dedicated button.
  • • Your review helps create a transparent community and helps other users make informed choices.
  • Log in to your user profile and access the “Settings” section where you can update your personal information and preferences.
  • If you encounter technical problems, please contact us via our contact form or our dedicated technical support email address. We will do our best to solve the problem quickly.